Cross References
Elements Filter![]() |
Breather Filters![]() |
Filter Silencers & Industrial Air Filters![]() |
Various Filter Elements![]() |
We can cross reference. to a number of original equipment manufacturers and air filter manufacturers.
A partial listing of those manufactures follows:
Advanced Products | Flottman | Moog |
Air-Maze | Fluitek | Nafco |
Air Reitiner | Fuller | Nash |
Air San | Fusheng | National Filters |
Allis Chalmers | Gardner Denver | N.Y. Air Brake |
Atlas Copco | Gast | N.A. Blower |
Baldwin | Gordon Smith | Onan |
Bauer Compressor | Grimmer Schmidt | Palatek |
Bendix | Hoflinan | Pall |
Briggs & Stratton | Homelite | Parker |
Buffalo Forge | Hycon | Porous Media |
Buckeye | Hydac | Purolator |
Bucyrus—Erie | Hydra-Screw | Quincy |
Bush Vacuum | Hydravane | Retilco |
Cambell Hausiield | Hydreco | Rol-Air |
Canadian Air | Hypro | Rotron |
Canflo | IFM | SMC |
Champion | Ingersoll Rand | Sanborn |
Chicago Pneumatics | International Harvester | Saylor Beal |
Chinook | Jacobsen | Schramm |
Comp Air | Jaeger | Schroeder |
Complete Filtration | J.I.Case | Schultz |
Consler | John Deere | Shawndra |
Cooper Energy | Johnson Controls | Sidco |
Curtis Toledo | Joy | Solberg |
Davey Compressor | Kaeser | Stauff |
Decker Vacuum | Kaydon | Stoddard |
Devilbiss | Kellog | Stokes |
Dollinger | Kem | Sullair |
Donaldson | Kinny Vacuum | Sullivan |
Dresser Roots | Kohler | Sunshine |
Drill Tech | Lamson | Techumseh |
Dunham Bush | LarNan Filter | Textron |
Elliot | Leroi | T.I.Pneumotive |
Emglo | Leybold | Universal |
Endustra | Luberliner | Universal Tool |
Filterdyne | Mann—Hummel | Vickers |
Filter Engineering | Marion | WW Grainger |
Filter Spun | Masuda | Western |
Filtrec | Mattei | Worthington |
Fleetguard | Midland Brake | Filpro Corp. |
Keltec-Technolab |